At Lutheran East, creativity is encouraged and self-expression is discovered.
Art and music are an ideal way for students to discover their own self-expression, creativity, and God-given talents. Simultaneously, students are encouraged to utilize artistic expression to observe and celebrate the beauty of God’s creation.
Gospel Choir & Schola Cantorum
A cornerstone program of our school community, the Lutheran East Gospel Choir is a required course for all students during their time at Lutheran East. The Schola Cantorum is a select (by audition/invitation) chorale group that performs at off-campus locations throughout the year. In recent years, the Schola Cantorum has performed in Washington D.C., in New York City, on the steps of the Georgia State Capitol Building, and at Northeast Ohio shopping malls during the Christmas season.

Music not only helps us to praise God, but it helps us to navigate our lives. It’s a blessing to be able to share the joy of music with students every day.”
Director of Choral Activities
Fine Arts
Students take courses in drawing, painting, computer art, and digital photography.