Choir Students Spread Christmas Joy

Lutheran East’s talented choir students have had a busy December, performing at various locations around Northeast Ohio.
On December 7, the Lutheran High School East Music Department presented its annual Advent Concert at Disciples Christian Church. The concert featured 165 Lutheran East singers and guests from The Cleveland Institute of Music. Director Jonathon Turner remarked, “In the spirit of Advent, the church, which seats approximately 400, was filled to capacity and families were lined along the walls. It is always such a joy to sing into the holidays with our students and families!”
On Saturday, December 9, the Schola Cantorum (select choir) group performed at the annual Cleveland Lutheran High School Association (CLHSA) Christmas Brunch, which was attended by nearly 200 people. The group was joined by their counterparts at Lutheran West, the select choir group called Bel Canto.
On Saturday the 16th, the Schola Cantorum took to the road to spread Christmas cheer at four area shopping malls. They performed a set of songs for shoppers at Great Northern Mall, Southpark Mall, Summit Mall, and Belden Village Mall.
To view a video montage of clips from their December performances, click here.
Lutheran East Gospel Choir and Schola Cantorum wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!